Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday 11th December 2006

I can't find it anywhere !!!

It was here last week, I know cos I saw it !!!!

This is the second time I've been grovelling around in the mud trying to find this damned pipe. It's the foul sewer that Andy's men laid around three weeks ago. There was a pole to mark the end, but, perhaps not surprisingly, its gone because we've built a house around it since then.

Admitting defeat, I leave a message with Andy to see if his men can find it !!!

There is success with the Gas however. Those regular readers will know our move in date is dependant on drying the house out and to do this we need the heating on. That in turn depends on getting a Gas supply. With me so far ???

I phoned the Gas people this morning and Caroline said we could have the supply on the 17th January.
"They have to have that notice because they have to dig up the public road" she said
I explained that it is a private road anyway ( no statutory notice needed ) and they didn't need to dig it up because there is a gas main passing up through the site about 4 metres from the house.
" It's not what it says here. It says the main is in the road." she replied " You'll have to take it up with the Gas connection people!!!"
"Have you got a plan?....with the route shown???" I asked
"Yes, and oh, yes I see what you mean"

Well, to cut a long telephone converstaion short......she finally accepted I did NOT need to dig the road up to connnect the house up ......and she said they would be there on 2nd January.
" Would I be there??"
Well, Yes I will be there, cups of tea, biscuits, bottles of whisky, anything to get this bloody gas into the house, so as not to hold up these Huf guys who are working day and night to get me in in week 9.

I'll spare you the next conversation with another company about installing a gas meter. It was painful, as was the fruitless conversation with EDF about installing the electricity.

However that is not quite so crucial, as, if our very kind neighbours Dane and Louise (They love the house ) continue to let us use their electricity from their garage, we should be OK with a temporary supply to the boiler. I said I would pick up this quarters electricity bill, because it must be nearly all mine anyway!. ....All those drills and floodlights....


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